PIRATE BUCKET LIST: 5 Reasons You Should Travel Internationally!

By Felipe Jay

If you have always imagined yourself traveling internationally then you’ve gotta find a way to make it possible. Leaving America to travel internationally definitely has its perks and advantages. While money can be your primary concern to make this dream happen, you can try some things you’ve never tried before, like working as a consultant, English teacher or a server or bartender at a restaurant! You can even volunteer in exchange for food, lodging, and/or money just so you can start seeing the world. Trust me, it all lies within your fingertips. It’s time to satisfy your burning desire to explore countries across the world.

If these aren’t convincing enough, here are 5 reasons why you should travel internationally:

Indulge in different cultures

Experiencing various cultures firsthand is definitely far more fulfilling than just reading it in books or watching it on television. Not only do you develop a renewed sense of the country you’re visiting but you also get to understand completely why people of varying races do what they do and believe what they believe.

Studies revealed that those who spend their money on experiences, such as travelling, are happier than those who splurge on material things, and you should know this yourself. Imagine the joy you’ll feel when you get to step foot on Phuket’s wonderful beaches compared to the initial feeling when you first had your iPhone 6. The latter is a passing thing while the memories you gain when you travel internationally will stay with you as long as you live.To gain priceless experiences

To experience adventure

How about some adrenaline-pumping adventures like bungee jumping from Macau Tower, skydiving in Namibia, or sailing in Greece? Sounds interesting? You bet! No further words needed for this third reason to travel internationally.


To establish new connections

When you travel internationally, you not only open doors to gaining a renewed sense of theworld, but you new gain friendships and opportunities as well. You get to meet like-minded people and people from different walks of life who may offer you work and/or other opportunities. Also, whatever you learn to do while on your journey will definitely add some spice to your resume.


Because you deserve it

You have studied and worked hard all your life, so you definitely deserve to follow your true passion. If it is travelling internationally, go for it! You only live once, so make time for all the things that will make you happy!


About Author

Robert Jordan